Daintree Blackbean Beaded Hot/Hard Wax

Jax Wax

Ideal wax for males and to remove stubborn, multi-directional coarse hair

Key Ingredients: Cedarwood and Lavender Essential Oils. Mica
Fragrance: Sandalwood and Cedarwood Fragrance
Colour: Iridescent Grey
Perfect For
Male Waxing |Strong Stubborn, Coarse Hair

Daintree Blackbean Beaded Hot/Hard Wax is a unisex wax that offers optimal performance.

  • Cedarwood Essential Oil cool and calm the skin
  • Mica-based formula prevents ingrown hairs
  • Super strength, grips tightly onto every hair 
  • Removes strong stubborn, multi directional coarse hair
  • Formulated for all climates
  • Synthetic Wax
  • The  rich aroma of Sandalwood Essential Oil, will appeal to the most discerning male

Recommended Pre & Post Wax Products
Alpine Blue Bell Pre Wax Cleanser|Alpine Blue Bell Pre and Post Wax Oil |Daintree Blackbean After Wax Body Lotion

Black Bean, also known as the Morton Bay Chestnut is a flowering plant native to the rainforest regions along the east coast of northern Australia.  Renowned for its stunning red and yellow flowering displays, the Black Bean is one of the largest families of flowering plants. Black Beans are a hardy plant that can tolerate a variety of conditions including frost, heavy shade and full sun.  Indigenous Australians found the Black Bean’s seeds a reliable, source of protein, fat and fibre.
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