Aesthetic And Beauty Brand Distributor Cosmetics and beauty products Beauty Product Distributor

Safaa Cosmetics Online Boutique

Arkana Treasure Collection

Dermo-aesthetic skin treatments with biostimulation and a redermalisation effect. The unique combination of three skin biostimulators: succinic acid, hyaluronic acid, and amber extract.

Synergy of 2 unique skin bio-stimulants: succinic and hyaluronic acid
Serum 2 used in re-mineralizing treatment
Bio-stimulating active ingredients, improves the firmness, density and condition of your skin
Re-dermalizing Peel exfoliates and activates a process of bio-revitalization
Treatment of re-dermalization and bio-stimulation of the skin
Sheet Mask with amber powder and a complex of copper, zinc and magnesium.
Serum 1 used in re-mineralizing treatment
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